5 courses

      4 reacties op 5 courses

At Modelessen we’ve got 5 different types of courses
Starterscourse : Start with a picture or a sketch and create your own clothes!
In dept training: in depth course with exams and certificate (only in dutch)
Menswear: starters-course with the focus on mens-clothing
Young designers You’re never too young. Children and teen course. Create a selfmade bag, scraf, print a shirt, and many more

click on the blue words for more information about the courses


Would you like to make your own clothes? Wear unique designs? Than this course is what you are looking for! At modelessen we let your own ideas become reality. After a small intro assigment the designs are up to you! We don’t use patterns from magazines, we’re working with patterns that will be draftrf in your own size and adjust it to your sketches or photo.

price: €75 a month


This course is similar to the starters course, but referred to men’s clothing. You will learn to draft patterns of the t-shirt, pants, shirt and colbert in your own size. Also you will be learning all sewing techniques like working with stretch, different pockets, zipper etc.
We will make your own designs or photos come to live!

price: €75 a month

Young designers

Would you like to make your own clothes?
At Modelessen you can be a real designer!
You will be making lots of different things:
Sew your own bag, belt, scarf, t-shirt or dress!
You also will be printing your own fabric!

when: each Monday and Wednesday at 16:00-17:00
age: 8 till 14 years
price: € 38,50 a month

4 gedachten over “5 courses

  1. Sarah

    Good day, my daughter is 15, almost 16 and has been wanting to learn how to make clothes for a while. I think the starterscourse will be great for her but she doesn’t have any experience with sewing. Will that be a problem?

    1. hester Auteur bericht

      Dear Sarah,
      Your daughter is welcome to join the classes. It is possible to start without any previous experience. We will start at the beginning.

      There are free spots on the following days:
      Tuesday 18:00
      Tuesday 20:10
      Wednesday 18:00
      Wednesday 20:10
      Friday 10:30
      Friday 13:00

      Which one suits you the best?

      Kind regards

  2. Kiriakos Lysiotis

    Good Day! I’m 21M and I want to join your sewing course. I have no prior experience nor can speak Dutch unfortunately. Is it possible for me to join? And are you located in Rotterdam?

    Kind regards,
    Kyriakos Lyssiotis

    1. hester Auteur bericht

      Hi Kyriakos

      The main language of the class is Dutch, but I’ve translated all the information forms to English and I can explain everything in English as well. It is possible to start without any previous experience with sewing machine. The adress is Coolhaven 558 in Rotterdam
      You can join on one of the following dates:

      Tuesday 18:00
      Tuesday 20:10
      Wednesday 18:00
      Wednesday 20:10

      which date and time suits you the best?

      Kind Regards

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