terms and conditions

About the class

You subscribe for a weekly course of 2 hours
It’s also possible to follow more courses a week.
The Young designers course is 1 hour a week
You are not obligated to follow the order of assignments, but it’s better to make the items in the right order, because every assignment is a bit more advanced

In the workspace

The sewing machines are free to use. You can bring your own machine to the class, If you would like to work with your own machine, that’s of course possible
The fabric and paper for the first assignment is included. After this you have to bring your own fabric.
You can use the yarn Modelessen provides. We are not obligated to have every colour.
Sewing-tools are owned by Modelessen and cannot be used outside of the workspace.
You can buy sewing-tools, fabric and haberdashery at Modelessen
We don’t work with existing patterns. With every garment we will provide you with a information form (in Dutch or English) about this pattern. With this form you can draw the pattern yourself.


We provide one triallclass a person. In this class you can use the machines, fabrics and yarn. The price of the trial-class is €10. If you want to join a trial-class you need to contact Modelessen in advance by phone or contact-form


You can join Modelessen by completing the application-form
When you subscribe you will get a conformation mail, with all the information about the reservation and payment.
When you subscribe, you transfer the money of the first month immediately. Use as your name and course as the subject of this transfer.
Please note! your application is a binding contract. Your reservation is not a brochure without any obligations.

We have a maximum of 9 participants at each course.
The applications will be processed in order of arrival. You will be informed if the course is fully booked or cancelled. If this is the case we will offer an alternative date or restitution of the first payment


Contribution per month €75
Contribution twice a week €143
Contibution for lingerie per month €77
contribution young designers per month €38,50
Modelessen can change the contribution once a year on the grounds of higher prime costs.

You will transfer the contribution to NL79 SNSB 0866 7573 68 MODELESSEN the first of the month. Please note: you will pay in advance
If you pay in cash at the first class of the month, you will always get a receipt.
If your account is seriously past due, we will remind you twice. If the payment is not received after two warnings we will involve a collection agency.
In this case there will be extra costs.

If you recommend Modelessen, and the person you recommend this to subscribes to Modelessen, you will get a 50% discount on the next months payment! (with the exception of the young designers course, here you will get a 25% discount on your next payment)


On the latest you can cancel the course or workshop two weeks in advance. In this timeperiod your reservation will be cancelled without any cost.
If you’re not present on the first class without any anulment we will charge the costs of the first month. We will count on your attendence, because you’re occupying a spot in the class.


In case of absence, you can catch up at another date.
If you contact me about the absence before 15:00, your absence will be noted and you can catch up in one of the other classes. For the classes during the day, please let us know before 9:00
If you don’t contact Modelessen or you don’t give note in advance you’re will not be able to catch up.
Restitution of the payment is not possible.

If the teacher if absent, you will be given notice in advance. In this case there will be a substitute teacher or we will discuss another date to catch up.
If you want to pause the course for a minimum of one month, this is possible if you give notice one month in advance. Before your break we will discuss the date of the restart.

Modelessen is closed during holidays like: easter, Kingsday, VE day, one week of Pentacost and two weeks of christmass holiday. (the missed classes during the hollidays are included in the price of the course)
During the month summerstop (between Juli and August) your payment is also paused.


Modelessen has no responsibility for damage and injury’s during the course. Participation is on your own risk. Also Modelessen has no responsibily for your personal belongings.

quiting Modelessen

You can stop Modelessen at any time.
But there’s a month notice!
If you give notice of your resignation, the payment will be stopped the next month.

When subscribing to Modelessen, you agree with the terms and conditions
Modelessen has the right to change the information on this website at any time

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