

What is the adress?
Coolhaven 558, 3024 AR Rotterdam
Is there a parking area?
Yes there is, you can park in front of the place or in the surrounding streets,
Is there a parking fee
Unfortunately Delfshaven has paid parking
Is there a metro or tram station nearby?
Metro station Delfshaven and Metro station Coolhaven are both a 7 minute walk to the workspace.
From tram 8 and 6 it’s approximately a 6 minute walk
Is Modelessen a accessible for people with a handicap?
The work place is not suited for wheelchairs due to one step at the front door, but can be entered with grips.


Monthly payment: €75- you will get a €2- discount if you use your own sewing and/or lockmachine
Half yearly payment: (5 months) €370-
Young designer class (children): €38,50
Trial class: €15

Missed classes?
When a class cancels at my part, you can catch up at another time.
When a class cancels due to a holiday ( Christmas, Easter, kings day, Pentecostal), then you can’t catch up at another time, there is no restitution. Those classes are automatically recovered in the months which have 5 weeks.
Can I get a restitution when I cant follow the course due to illness?
There is a possibility to catch up at another time, this will happen in consideration with the teacher. Restitution is not possible.
when do I pay the contribution?
The first of the month.
How do I pay?
You can transfer the contribution to NL79SNSB0866747368 MODELESSEN.
It’s also possible to pay in cash.
Is Modelessen open in the summer holiday?
During the summer holiday *20th of july to 20th of august Modelessen is closed, but there will be workshops on demand.

Sign up

Whats the length of the course?
You can follow the course as long as you like. You can quit whenever you like. in compliance with a month notice.
Whats the observance?
One month
I would like to enter a course, but the course is full?
Then you will be on the waiting list, when there is place you’ll get a message.
Can I do a trail class?
Yes, for €15 you can do a trial lesson.
Is it possible to get a diploma
You can get a certificate if you follow the education, but this is only in Dutch


Dates and times
Click on the following link to see the current classes: current courses
I would like to you use patterns of the Knipmode magazine, is this possible
We will work with patterns drawn on our own size, The patterns are made t measure not existing patterns.
Is there homework involved?
No, but if you like to continue at home that’s of course possible.
Do I need experience?
Experience won’t be necessary! The starters course is especially made for people who are untrained of have few experience.
I would like to create my own sketches and designs, is this possible?
Yes! That’s what Modelessen is all about!


In the work place most of the tools are supplied during the class.
Beside that it’s useful to have your own, these tools are also for sale at Modelessen.
paper for pattern drawing
pins, needles
chalk, pencil
measure tape
ordner, binder
scissors, fabric scissors
Do you sell fabric and haberdashery’s?
You can bring your own fabric or buy it at Modelessen.
Can I bring my own sewing machine?
Yes, Modelessen has plenty sewing machines but if you would like to work with your own machine it’s possible.

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