lingerie workshop, lace hipster,

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Sew your own lace hipster string
Learn working with fabrics like lace and the finishings in lingerie
And you will go home with a handmade panty!
(click on the picture for more information)


During the workshop every participant will get a pattern of a panty drafted in your own size. The basic-sizes vary between XS to XL. If you have a different size, please contact me in advance and your size will be added. There is a large variety in beautiful lace fabrics and elastics you can choose from to design your own hipster.

This workshop is for all levels. As a beginner you will start with the basic skills of sewing. If you are already an advanced sewer you can draft your own pattern and adapt the finishings to your own liking.

date: on demand
Price: €39,95- (incl fabric, haberdashery, drinks and snacks)
target group: entry level and advanced sewers, all ages
Location: Coolhaven 558, Rotterdam
from 4 to 9 participants

This workshop is also suitable for a bachelor-party or other group-event.

Join here!


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