price and date

course dates

it’s able to participate in the course any time, there is no waiting list!

At this moment the courses are planned on the following days:

Monday 16:00-17:00 Young Designers, Childrens sewing class
Monday 18:00-20:00  (only in Dutch)

Tuesday 16:00-17:00 Young Designers, Childrens sewing class
Tuesday 18:00-20:00
Tuesday 20:15-22:15

Wednesday 16:00-17:00 Young Designers, Childrens sewing class
Wednesday 18:00-20:00
Wednesday 20:15-22:15

Friday 10:30-12:30
Friday 13:00-15:00
For more information on the courses check courses

€75- a month (2 hours a week)
€77- a month (lingerie)
€143- a month (4 hours a week)
€38,50- a month young designers class
€15- trial class

10 gedachten over “price and date

  1. Tingting shi

    Dear All

    I am a beginner, skill is zero, but i am willing to learn.
    I believe this lesson is in Dutch, not sure if the lesson can be provide in English as well?

    Thanks in advance!

    tingting shi

    1. hester Auteur bericht

      Dear Tingting Shi,

      You can attend the course even if you don’t speak Dutch.
      The main language of the class is dutch, but I can explain everything in English, and we’ve translated the information forms on pattern drafting to English.
      There are more non dutch speakers in the class

      Kind regards

  2. Grace


    I’m interested in doing the course but want to do the trial class first as I see it in your list. What does that involve? Do you get to sew during the trial class? And with the 2-hours/week vs. 4-hours/week for the monthly.. do the classes take months? Is there more information about the duration of the classes exactly or is it only a one month thing?

    Kind Regards,

    1. hester Auteur bericht

      Dear Grace

      Sorry for the delayed response. Modelessen had a winterbreak.

      You’re welcome to join for a trial class.
      The trial class is without obligations. Afterwards you can decide if you would like to join the full course.

      In the trail class we will start with drafting the pattern of a stretch skirt. If you’re quick we could go on with the cutting and sewing of the fabric.

      The class does not have a particular time limit. You can join and stop the classes at any time, with a month of notice,
      For example in a year you will be able to make a variety of skirts, leggings, tshirts, dresses and tops if you do the 2 hours a week course.
      If you join for 4 hours a week, in a year you can also draft and sew jeans, trousers and coats.

      There is a free spot for you on the following dates:
      Monday 20:10
      Tuesday 18:00
      Tuesday 20:10
      Wednesday 18:00 (starting the January 31)

      Which day and time suits you the best?

      kind regards

  3. Eastelar lawrence

    Geacthe heer/ mevrouv,

    Ik ben stella, Ik kom naar Nederland op 23 Augustus, Ik kom met mijn dochter, zij is 6 jaar oud en ze wil deze cursus doen, van ze 3 4 jaar oud ben, ben ze interaseert in kleren maken voor haar popjes, mijn Nederlands is niet zo goed maar ik probeert, ik wil weten als mijn dochter kan dit cursus doen als ze 6 jaar oud is?

    Dank je wel.

    1. hester Auteur bericht

      Beste Stella,
      Zij kan meedoen met 7 jaar. Mocht ze erg handig zijn, is 6 jaar oud ook mogelijk
      Ze is welkom om eerste een proefles te volgen om te kijken of het bevalt

  4. Elena

    Hello Hester,
    I am an italian citizen and I would like to join a course (possibly Wednesday 20:15); is it possible to have a trial lessons?
    Since I do not speak Dutch I am also asking if is possible.
    I only have some skills with hand seeing’s, but no experience with machine.
    I will be back from holidays at the end of August; please let me know your thoughts.
    Thank you

    1. hester Auteur bericht

      Hi Elena,

      The main language of the class is Dutch, but I’ve translated all the information forms to English and I can explain everything in English as well. It is possible to start without any previous experience with sewing machine. We will start at the beginning.
      You can start august the 30th. Does this date suit you as well?

      Kind Regards

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